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Category: Uncategorized

How To Buy Landlord Insurance For Your Rental Property

If you are already a landlord or thinking about becoming one by purchasing a rental property in the near future, you need to purchase landlord insurance. Purchasing landlord insurance is a critical, and typically required, step in renting out your home. Whether you are renting out a house, apartment, or space inside your own home, you need to purchase landlord insurance to protect yourself and...

Summer Rental Insurance

  For some of us, renting our summer fun is the way to go. But rentals also carry their own set of insurance risks and exposures. Motor Homes Most standard personal auto policies don't provide coverage for damage to a rented motor home. While liability coverage for personal use is provided, considering the size of a motor home and the potential damage they can cause,...

Safety Before a Tropical Storm or Hurricane

Hurricanes and tropical storms generally can be tracked days ahead of any impact, providing ample time to prepare for potential evacuation. But being prepared now will make an evacuation easier, and keep your home and family protected as much as possible from danger. What to do when a Tropical Storm or Hurricane is on it's way.... Listen to a NOAA Weather Radio for critical information...

Disaster Supply Kit

Help protect your family against potential weather disasters and emergency situations by compiling an emergency supply kit. The kit can be assembled over a five-month period on a weekly basis. Perishable items should be changed or replaced every six months. The essentials Battery-operated radio Flashlight Extra batteries Water 3 gallons/person, minimum, in a food-grade, plastic container Additional water for sanitation Food Minimum three-day supply of...

Hurricane Survival Kit

Essential Items During a hurricane, and possibly for days or even weeks afterward, electricity and other utilities might not be available. Debris and/or water might block the roads, preventing vehicles from getting in our out of your neighborhood. Help might not reach you for days after the hurricane, so you’ll need to be completely self-sufficient during that period. Here are some of the most critical...